PhD Stipend - Involving patients in their own home care


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

The Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES), Herlev Section within the Center for Human Resources and Education is looking for a PhD Candidate in an EU-funded project. The PhD project will consist of a field work in Danish operation theatres to identify potential conflicts, current ways of handling them, and to describe learning needs to improve conflict management. Based on this analysis, interventions will be developed and tested. The work will be conducted in close collaboration between CAMES and the participating hospital(s). The employment will be with CAMES. The position starts from April 15 or as soon as possible after that date. The position is limited to 36 month. In this time the PhD studies, and the PhD thesis are expected to be finished.

Description of the position and the project
CAMES is one of the world leading simulation centres, providing courses for approximately 25.000 participants per year. A multiprofessional team provides the infrastructure for approximately 120 clinicians working with teaching, development, and research. CAMES is part of an EU-funded doctoral network, “Tools4Teams” that investigates different instruments and tools to support teamwork in different parts of the healthcare system.

The Tools4Teams EU Erasmus+ consortium combines in-depth learning within acute and chronic health care settings, to generate fundamental knowledge on cognitive, affective, and behavioural team interaction processes and how these processes can be supported by innovative tools for teams. Through translation of this fundamental knowledge across settings, Tools4Teams aims to respond to the challenges related to increased complexity of modern health care. Central themes are innovative support tools for teams (i.e. physiological sensors, information integration platforms, and AR/VR technology) and team competences (i.e. reflection, conflict management and multi team functioning) to continuously learn about how, when, where and by whom application of these tools is valuable, acceptable, and ethical. The main goal of Tools4Teams is to train 12 highly skilled doctoral candidates in six European countries with in-depth knowledge and cross disciplinary expertise in methods for research on teamwork and health services, design and system thinking, and ethics, complemented with transferable and networking skills, an entrepreneurial mind-set and experience of industrial application.

The PhD project is placed in the primary sector and will be conducted in close collaboration with Copenhagen Municipality. It investigates how the interaction between health care professionals and citizen (i.e. service users) can be supported so that citizen experience a higher degree of empowerment in everyday life, regardless of the extent or type of help and effort that the individual needs. Three studies are planned:

  1. Examine the interaction patterns between citizens and health care professionals that facilitate or hinder the empowerment and involvement of the citizens in their care in daily care situations. Field work resulting in thick descriptions of actual care situations that allow to identify interaction patterns and their context that hinder or facilitate the empowerment and team involvement of the citizen.
  2. Identify the needs and wishes of citizens and health care professionals for empowering and involvement of citizens into their care team, as well as organisational framework conditions of these interactions resulting in comprehensive understanding of the wishes and needs, as well as organisational conditions for the team involvement and empowerment of citizens.
  3. Develop a set of tool, approaches, and guidance to be used in daily care situations in the community care sector to optimize the interaction between citizen, health care professionals, and the involved organisation, which can be used in or adapted to different primary contexts.
The PhD studies will be performed with the University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health.

About you
You have an academic background that enables you to start a PhD education (typically master level or equivalent). You have an interest in the topics and the setting described above and are interested to combine conceptual / theoretical work with empirical data collection and analysis in this field. You are interested in and willing to learn to apply different methods within a constructivist approach, including interviews, observations, and field notes, as well as matching analysis strategies. You respect the opportunities and challenges of the field, taking extra care to treat study participants and patients ethically and respectfully. Due to the rules of the Erasmus+ call, you may not have lived in Denmark for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the recruitment date. At the same time, due to the nature of the project and its setting, you will need to be able to understand Danish without any problems and should either be able to understand Danish and should be able to speak Danish or another of the Scandinavian language fluently. You should also be fluent in English in writing and orally.

Typically, you have a social or healthcare science background and ideally first experiences with research in the field. You are willing and able to work independently, you are curious about the people you work with, and focus the benefit for patients. You look forward to the possibilities of learning with other PhD students in the network.


  • Construct the different studies in the PhD – These will be along the line sketched above, but will be fine-tuned with your input.
  • Project management, including contact to the field, other researchers, relevant authorities
  • Establishing and nurturing field access and field contacts
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Written and oral presentation of findings
  • Course work as required by the University of Copenhagen
  • Teaching obligations as required by the University of Copenhagen (within the area of your project)
  • Taking actively part in CAMES research environment
We offer

  • a PhD education in a large, exciting and societally important organisation
  • an ambitious work community and includning work environment
  • salary in accordance with the Danish rules
  • employment with an inclusive workplace organisation which is committed to reducing sick leave, increasing the proportion of employees with reduced working capacity, and increasing the number of professionally active seniors
  • as an employee in Denmark, you will have access to world-class health system, as well as good pensions, generous maternity/paternity leave, and a competitive salary. Nursery places are guaranteed and reasonably priced
  • Your regular work place is CAMES, Herlev Hospital, Borgmester Ib Juuls Vej 1b, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark. While we encourage face-to-face time in the office, reasonable home-working schedules can be arranged.
CAMES values independence, involvement and innovation. Diversity is respected and considered a resource in our work and learning environment. Universal design characterises physical and digital learning environments, and we strive to provide reasonable adjustments for employees with disabilities.

You are encouraged to apply regardless of gender, disability or cultural background.

To apply for this position please follow the link "Apply for this job". Your application letter, relevant education and work experience as well as language skills must be registered here. In your application letter, please state your research interests and motivation for the position.

As an applicant, we ask you to prepare a preliminary project proposal for the PhD project, where you sketch, three related studies to implement the PhD and where you describe how your competence relates to these tentative plans. The project sketch should be in English not be longer than five pages and will be included in the competence assessment. During the first three months of the employment period, the project proposal and progress plan will be further developed in cooperation with your supervisors with regards to the goals of Tools4Teams and completed for the final plan for the PhD-project.

The following documents must be uploaded as attachments to your application:

  • project proposal (maximum 5 pages)
  • CV with a full summary of your education and experience
  • references, certificates/diplomas and other documentation that you consider relevant
  • publications or other relevant research work
Documentation on competence in English and Danish might be required in the recruitment process.

Applications are evaluated based on the information available in application system at the application deadline. You should ensure that your application shows clearly how your skills and experience meet the criteria which are set out above and that you have attached the necessary documentation.

The documentation must be available in either a Scandinavian language or in English.

The deadline for the application is August 31. 2023.

The application is handled via the Capital Region’s job portal.

Further information
I you would like more information about the position, please contact Peter Dieckmann


- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Gladsaxe Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


HR og Uddannelse, Kildegårdsvej 28, 2900 Hellerup


Ansøgningsfrist: 31-08-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
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